Monday, July 28, 2008

Don't Allow Depression In

So, you say. that's all well and good, but where do I start?

My advice is to start with yourself. It's vey easy to become despondent & depressed, when you're in tough financial situations, so first take the time to remind yourself of the positives in your life. Write them on a list & stick them on the inside of your wardrobe door. So every morning, when you open that wardrobe to get dressed, they'll be there to remind you.

You may say that everything's negative at the moment, but that's not true!

What about your partner, who still loves you dearly? And your beautiful children? The fact that you still have food on the table etc. Look hard enough (get your partner involved) and you will find some positives. Then try to focus on them as much as possible.

Get out into the fresh air and bright sunlight as much as possible. Obviously, if it's the middle of Winter when you're reading this, that could be a problem, but in that case, the next best option, is to go to a mall or somewhere with warmth, bright lights and laughing kids. This will definitely help to lift your spirits....even if only for a while.

Whatever you do, try to stay busy - with positive activities. Join a support group or charity. Apart from the friendships you'll form and other positives that come from this, this will also remind you that, no matter how tough you think your situation is, there are others in worse positions.

Don't allow yourself to stay in bed or lounge in front of the TV all day, feeling sorry for yourself. Yes, I know this can be much easier said than done, but believe me it is not only possible, but critical to your emotional well-being.

Get some form of exercise, even if it's just a brisk walk around the block. The endorphins that are released are like a natural drug, that lifts your spirits.

And always try to remember the old adage: "This too, will pass"

As we said before, life does move in cycles after all.

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